Warply.h 27.4 KB
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 Copyright 2010-2016 Warply Inc. All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, without modification,
 are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
 list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
 2. Redistributions in binaryform must reproduce the above copyright notice,
 this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
 and/or other materials provided with the distribution.

 @header Warply.h
 Provides a functional interface for Warply service.
 Use the methods declared here to launch or abolish Warply service, access and
 manage available functionality managers, add events and send them, get campaigns
 inbox and POST/GET context from/to Warply service.
 @copyright Warply Inc.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "WLGlobals.h"
#import "WLEvent.h"
#import "WLLocationManager.h"
#import "WLAnalyticsManager.h"
#import "FMDatabase.h"
#import "FMDatabaseAdditions.h"
#import "WLPushManager.h"

@class WLUserManager;
@protocol WLActionHandler;

 @defined WL_FMDBLogError
 @abstract Defines an error logger for the local DB.
#define WL_FMDBLogError if ([_db hadError]) { WLLOG(@"Err %d: %@", [_db lastErrorCode], [_db lastErrorMessage]); }

 @typedef _WLResultCodes
 @abstract Warply related custom result codes.
 @field WLResultCodesSuccess The call was sucessful.
 @field WLResultCodesError The structure or the parameters of the call are wrong.
 @field WLResultCodesReadOnly You can read only and not write the selected attribute.
 @field WLResultCodesInvalidCampaignID Either the campaing is expired or revoked.
 @field WLResultCodesInvalidAppID You need to set the correct app id as shown in Warply.
 @field WLResultCodesDeviceRegistrationFailed Check that device token is in correct format.
 @field WLResultCodesInvalidJsonPath Check the path you trying to access.
 @field WLResultCodesNotImplemented The call doesn't exists yet.
 @field WLResultCodesInvalidWebID Need to register device again.
 @field WLResultCodesAuthorizationFailed Invalid hash was sent.
 @field WLResultCodesNotRegistered Need to register device prior to make the call.
 @discussion These result codes are custom and related to Warply service. They
 indicate whether a call is sucessfull and if not why it failed.
typedef enum {
    WLResultCodesSuccess = 1,
} _WLResultCodes;

 @typedef WLContextRequestType
 @abstract Warply related request types.
 @field WLContextRequestTypeGet A GET type request.
 @field WLContextRequestTypePost A POST type request.
 @discussion These two types of requests indicate whether a request is GET or POST.
typedef enum {

 @typedef WLServerType
 @abstract Warply related servers types.
 @field WLServerTypeDevelopment The developement Warply server. Mainly, used for
 development and testing.
 @field WLServerTypeProduction The production Warply server. Used by all live apps.
typedef enum {
    WLServerTypeDevelopment = 0,

 @defined WLResultCodesDescriptions
 @abstract Defines an array of Warply releated results status.
#define WLResultCodesDescriptions [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"Success", @"Error", @"Read-only or Invalid context property", @"Invalid Campaign ID", @"Invalid Application ID", @"Device Registration Failed", @"Invalid JSON Path", @"Not Implemented", @"Invalid web-id", @"Authorisation Failed", nil]

 @class WLAppService
 @discussion The WLAppService provides a functional interface for Warply service.
@interface Warply : NSObject
    FMDatabase *_db;
    WLPushManager *_pushManager;
    WLLocationManager *_locationManager;

 @methodgroup Getting Shared Instance
 @abstract Returns a shared instance of WLAppService.
+ (Warply *)sharedService;
 @methodgroup Launching and Abolishing Warp service.
 @abstract Launching the Warply service.
 @discussion This class method initialises the shared instance of WLAppService,
 passes the launch options (if any) to managers in order to handle them and
 launches the communication with Warply service using the provided unique app identification.
 @param appUUID A string with the unique app identification.
 @param launchOptions A dictionary with the application launch options. May be
 empty if application launched by user.
+ (void)launchWithAppUUID:(NSString *)appUUID launchOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions;

 @abstract Launching the Warply service.
 @discussion This class method initialises the shared instance of WLAppService,
 passes the launch options (if any) to managers in order to handle them and
 launches the communication with Warply service using the provided unique app identification.
 @param launchOptions A dictionary with the application launch options. May be
 empty if application launched by user.
 @param appUUID A string with the unique app identification.
 @param customPushDelegate an class conforming to the WLCustomPushDelegate protocol responsible for handling the push notification.
+ (void)launchWithAppUUID:(NSString *)appUUID launchOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions customPushHandler:(id <WLCustomPushHandler>)customPushHandler;

 @abstract Launching the Warply service.
 @discussion This class method initialises the shared instance of WLAppService,
 passes the launch options (if any) to managers in order to handle them and
 launches the communication with Warply service using the provided unique app identification.
 @param launchOptions A dictionary with the application launch options. May be
 empty if application launched by user.
 @param appUUID A string with the unique app identification.
 @param customPushDelegate an class conforming to the WLCustomPushDelegate protocol responsible for handling the push notification.
 @param baseUrl: A NSString parameter for defining the base url.
+ (void)launchWithAppUUID:(NSString *)appUUID launchOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions  customPushDelegate:(id <WLCustomPushHandler>)customPushDelegate serverBaseUrl:(NSString *)baseUrl;

 @property baseURL
 @abstract A string the url of Warply server. Read-only access.
@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSString *baseURL;

 @property webId
 @abstract A string with the unique web id of the device.
@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) NSString *webId;

 @property apiKey
 @abstract A string with the unique identifier of the application.
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *apiKey;

 @property pushManager
 @abstract A WLPush Manager for handling received Remote Notifications (Push).
@property (nonatomic, strong) WLPushManager *pushManager;

 @property locationManager
 @abstract A WLLocation Manager for handling and reporting device location.
@property (nonatomic, readonly, strong) WLLocationManager *locationManager;

 @property consumerDataManager
 @abstract A WLConsumer Manager for handling user name,e-mail and MSISDN.
@property (nonatomic, readonly, strong) WLUserManager *consumerDataManager;

 @property allOffers
 @abstract All cached campaigns that the Warply Service provides the application according to the appUUID.
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSArray *allOffers;

@property (nonatomic, strong) NSArray *allProducts;

 @abstract Defines macros for geeting the SDK version.

 @methodgroup App Lifecycle Methods
 @discussion Convenience methods for mananging Managers behaviour and sendining
 in-app analytics according to app state.
 @abstract Notify that app did enter background.
 @discussion This method notifies managers and sends in-app analytic that app did
 enter background.
- (void)applicationDidEnterBackground;

 @abstract Notify that app will enter foreground.
 @discussion This method notifies managers and sends in-app analytic that app will
 enter foreground.
- (void)applicationWillEnterForeground;

 @abstract Notify that app did become active.
 @discussion This method notifies managers and sends in-app analytic that app did
 become active.
- (void)applicationDidBecomeActive;

 @abstract Notify that app will terminate.
 @discussion This method notifies managers and sends in-app analytic that app will
- (void)applicationWillTerminate;

 @methodgroup Public API
 @discussion Convenience methods for doing the most common tasks
 @abstract Send an event.
 @discussion This method sends an event. This event is stored into a local DB
 and is sent over to Warply service when a threshold of stored events is exceeded or immediately if the priority parameter is YES
 @param event A WLEvent object.
 @param priority A BOOL value indicating if the event should be sent immediately or not.
 @see //apple_ref/occ/cl/WLEvent WLEvent
 @seealso //apple_ref/occ/instm/WLAppService/addPriorityEvent: addPriorityEvent:
- (void)addEvent:(WLEvent *)event priority:(BOOL)priority;

 @abstract Get inbox from Warply service.
 @attributeblock successBlock This block is called when getInbox is sucessful and returns an array with the available WLInboxItem items.
 @attributeblock failureBlock This block is called when getInbox fails and returns an error object with failure code and description.
 @see //apple_ref/occ/cl/WLInboxItem WLInboxItem
 @return  Returns YES if the app is registered with Warply and thus the success or failure block will definitely be called and NO otherwise. In the latter case, the call is queued and will be called as soon as / if the app registers with Warply.
 @discussion This method gets the inbox with campaigns from Warply service. The
 method returns an array with WLInboxItem objects (campaigns). The caller will probably want to use the return parameter and a timer to update the UI or do any other operation after a certain amount of time that the app remains unregistered and thus, cannot make the call.
- (NSString*)getAccessToken;

- (NSString*)getRefreshToken;

- (NSString*)getClientId;

- (NSString*)getClientSecret;

- (BOOL)getInboxWithSuccessBlock:(void (^)(NSArray *list))success failureBlock:(void (^)(NSError *error))failure;

- (BOOL)getInbox2WithSuccessBlock:(void (^)(NSArray *list))success failureBlock:(void (^)(NSError *error))failure;

- (void)getProductsWithSuccessBlock:(NSString*)filter :(void(^)(NSMutableArray *params))success failureBlock:(void(^)(NSError *error))failure;

- (void)sendContactWithSuccessBlock:(NSString *)name andEmail:(NSString *)email andMsisdn:msisdn andMessage:message :(void(^)(NSMutableArray *params)) success failureBlock:(void(^)(NSError *error))failure;

- (void)getContentWithCategoryWithSuccessBlock:(NSString *)category andTags:(NSArray *)tags :(void(^)(NSMutableArray *params)) success failureBlock:(void(^)(NSError *error))failure;

- (void)getMerchantCategoriesWithSuccessBlock :(void(^)(NSMutableArray *params)) success failureBlock:(void(^)(NSError *error))failure;

- (void)getMerchantsWithSuccessBlock:(void(^)(NSMutableArray *params)) success failureBlock:(void(^)(NSError *error))failure;

- (void)getTagsCategoriesWithSuccessBlock :(void(^)(NSMutableArray *tagsCategories))success failureBlock:(void(^)(NSError *error))failure;

- (void)getTagsWithSuccessBlock :(void(^)(NSMutableArray *tagsCategories))success failureBlock:(void(^)(NSError *error))failure;

- (void)loginWithSuccessBlock:(NSString*)id andPassword:(NSString*)password andLoginType:(NSString*)loginType :(void(^)(NSDictionary *response))success failureBlock:(void(^)(NSError *error))failure;

- (NSDictionary*)logout;

- (void)webAuthorizeWithSuccessBlock:(NSDictionary*)contextResponse andId:(NSString*)id andLoginType:(NSString*)loginType :(void(^)(NSDictionary *response))success failureBlock:(void(^)(NSError *error))failure;

- (void)tokenWithSuccessBlock:(NSDictionary*)contextResponse andClientId:(NSString*)clientId andClientSecret:(NSString*)clientSecret andLoginType:(NSString*) loginType :(void(^)(NSDictionary *response))success failureBlock:(void(^)(NSError *error))failure;

- (void)registerWithSuccessBlock:(NSString*)id andPassword:(NSString*)password andName:(NSString*)name andEmail:(NSString*)email andSegmentation:(NSNumber*)segmentation andNewsletter:(NSNumber*)newsletter :(void(^)(NSDictionary *response))success failureBlock:(void(^)(NSError *error))failure;

- (void)refreshToken:(void(^)(NSDictionary *response))success failureBlock:(void(^)(NSError *error))failure;

- (void)changePasswordWithSuccessBlock:(NSString*)oldPassword andNewPassword:(NSString*)newPassword :(void(^)(NSDictionary *response))success failureBlock:(void(^)(NSError *error))failure;

- (void)getProfileWithSuccessBlock :(void(^)(NSDictionary *response))success failureBlock:(void(^)(NSError *error))failure;

- (void)editProfileWithSuccessBlock:(NSString*)firstName andLastName:(NSString*)lastName andEmail:(NSString*)email andSalutation:(NSString*)salutation andMsisdn:(NSString*)msisdn
                        andNickname:(NSString*)nickname andGender:(NSString*)gender andBirthday:(NSString*)birthday andNameDay:(NSString*)nameday andTaxID:(NSString*)taxID andProfileMetadata:(NSDictionary*)profileMetadata optin:(NSNumber*) optin newsLetter:(NSNumber*)newsletter
                             andSMS:(NSNumber*)sms andSegmentation:(NSNumber*)segmentation andSMSSegmentation:(NSNumber*)smsSegmentation :(void(^)(NSDictionary *response))success failureBlock:(void(^)(NSError *error))failure;

- (void)changeProfileImageWithSuccessBlock:(NSString*)image andUserId:(NSString*)userId :(void(^)(NSDictionary *response))success failureBlock:(void(^)(NSError *error))failure;

- (void)addCardWithSuccessBlock:(NSString*)number andCardIssuer:(NSString*)cardIssuer andCardHolder:(NSString*)cardHolder andExpirationMonth:(NSString*)expirationMonth andExpirationYear:(NSString*)expirationYear :(void(^)(NSDictionary *response))success failureBlock:(void(^)(NSError *error))failure;

- (void)getCardsWithSuccessBlock:(void(^)(NSDictionary *response))success failureBlock:(void(^)(NSError *error))failure;

- (void)deleteCardWithSuccessBlock:(NSString*)token :(void(^)(NSDictionary *response))success failureBlock:(void(^)(NSError *error))failure;

- (void)getCouponsWithSuccessBlock:(void(^)(NSDictionary *response))success failureBlock:(void(^)(NSError *error))failure;

- (void)getTransactionHistoryWithSuccessBlock:(void(^)(NSDictionary *response))success failureBlock:(void(^)(NSError *error))failure;

- (void)getPointsHistoryWithSuccessBlock:(void(^)(NSDictionary *response))success failureBlock:(void(^)(NSError *error))failure;

- (void)verifyTicketWithSuccessBlock:(NSString*)guid :(NSString*)ticket :(void(^)(NSDictionary *response))success failureBlock:(void(^)(NSError *error))failure;

- (void)addAddressWithSuccessBlock:(NSString*)friendlyName :(NSString*)addressName :(NSString*)addressNumber :(NSString*)postalCode :(NSNumber*)floorNumber :(NSString*)doorbel :(NSString*)region :(NSString*)latitude :(NSString*)longitude :(NSString*)notes :(void(^)(NSDictionary *response))success failureBlock:(void(^)(NSError *error))failure;

- (void)getAddressWithSuccessBlock:(void(^)(NSDictionary *response))success failureBlock:(void(^)(NSError *error))failure;

- (void)editAddressWithSuccessBlock:(NSString*)friendlyName andAddressName:(NSString*)addressName andAddressNumber:(NSString*)addressNumber andPostalCode:(NSString*)postalCode andFloorNumber:(NSNumber*)floorNumber andDoorbel:(NSString*)doorbel andRegion:(NSString*)region andLatitude:(NSString*)latitude andLongitude:(NSString*)longitude andNotes:(NSString*)notes andUuid:(NSString*)uuid :(void(^)(NSDictionary *response))success failureBlock:(void(^)(NSError *error))failure;

- (void)deleteAddressWithSuccessBlock:(NSString*)uuid :(void(^)(NSDictionary *response))success failureBlock:(void(^)(NSError *error))failure;

- (void)redeemCouponWithSuccessBlock:(NSString*)id andUuid:(NSString*)uuid :(void(^)(NSDictionary *response))success failureBlock:(void(^)(NSError *error))failure;

- (void)forgotPasswordWithIdWithSuccessBlock:(NSString*)id andConfCode:(NSString*)confCode andOtpUuid:(NSString*)otpUuid :(void(^)(NSDictionary *response))success failureBlock:(void(^)(NSError *error))failure;

- (void)requestOtpWithMsisdnWithSuccessBlock:(NSString*)msisdn andScope:(NSString*)scope :(void(^)(NSDictionary *response))success failureBlock:(void(^)(NSError *error))failure;

- (void)resetPasswordWithPasswordWithSuccessBlock:(NSString*)password andConfCode:(NSString*)confCode andOtpUuid:(NSString*)otpUuid andConfToken:(NSString*)confToken :(void(^)(NSDictionary *response))success failureBlock:(void(^)(NSError *error))failure;

- (void)retrieveMultilingualMerchantsWithCategoriesWithSuccessBlock:(NSArray*)categories andDefaultShown:(NSNumber*)defaultShown andCenter:(NSNumber*)center andTags:(NSArray*)tags andUuid:(NSString*)uuid andDistance:(NSNumber*)distance :(void(^)(NSDictionary *response))success failureBlock:(void(^)(NSError *error))failure;

- (void) getCouponSetsWithSuccessBlock:(NSNumber*) active andVisible:(NSNumber*) visible andUuids:(NSArray*) uuids :(void(^)(NSDictionary *response))success failureBlock:(void(^)(NSError *error))failure;

- (void) redeemCouponSetsWithSuccessBlock:(NSString*) uuid :(void(^)(NSDictionary *response))success failureBlock:(void(^)(NSError *error))failure;

- (void) validateCouponWithSuccessBlock:(NSString*) coupon :(void(^)(NSDictionary *response))success failureBlock:(void(^)(NSError *error))failure;

- (void)loginCosmoteWithSuccessBlock:(NSString*)guid andAppUuid:(NSString*)appUuid andTicket:(NSString*)ticket :(void(^)(NSDictionary *response))success failureBlock:(void(^)(NSError *error))failure;
 @abstract Get the full page add accordint to the display_type of a campaign.
 @attributeblock successBlock This block is called when getInbox is sucessful and allOffers is empty or nil and returns an array with the available WLInboxItem items. Otherwise, the allOffers array is filtered.
 @attributeblock failureBlock This block is called when getInbox fails and returns an error object with failure code and description.
 @see //apple_ref/occ/cl/WLInboxItem WLInboxItem
 @return  Returns YES if the app is registered with Warply and thus the success or failure block will definitely be called and NO otherwise. In the latter case, the call is queued and will be called as soon as / if the app registers with Warply.
 @discussion This method gets the inbox with full_page campaigns from Warply service. The method returns an array with WLInboxItem objects (campaigns) with display_type = full_page. The caller will probably want to use the return parameter and a timer to update the UI or do any other operation after a certain amount of time that the app remains unregistered and thus, cannot make the call.
- (BOOL)showFullPageAdIfExists:(void (^)(NSArray *list))success failureBlock:(void (^)(NSError *error))failure;

 @abstract Get inbox from Warply service by filter.
 @attributeblock successBlock This block is called when getInbox is sucessful and returns an array with the avaiable filtered WLInboxItem items.
 @attributeblock failureBlock This block is called when getInbox fails and returns an error object with failure code and description.
 @see //apple_ref/occ/cl/WLInboxItem WLInboxItem
 @return  Returns YES if the app is registered with Warply and thus the success or failure block will definitely be called and NO otherwise. In the latter case, the call is queued and will be called as soon as / if the app registers with Warply.
- (BOOL)getInboxByFilter:(NSString*)filter andValue:(NSString*)value withSuccessBlock:(void (^)(NSArray *list))success failureBlock:(void (^)(NSError *error))failure;

 @abstract Gets the inbox items that are linked to locations near the given location.
 @attributeblock successBlock This block is called when getInbox is sucessful and returns an array with the avaiable WLInboxItem items.
 @attributeblock failureBlock This block is called when getInbox fails and returns an error object with failure code and description.
 @see //apple_ref/occ/cl/WLInboxItem WLInboxItem
 @return  Returns YES if the app is registered with Warply and thus the success or failure block will definitely be called and NO otherwise. In the latter case, the call is queued and will be called as soon as / if the app registers with Warply.
 @discussion This method gets the inbox with campaigns from Warply service. The
 method returns an array with WLInboxItem objects (campaigns). The caller will probably want to use the return parameter and a timer to update the UI or do any other operation after a certain amount of time that the app remains unregistered and thus, cannot make the call.
- (BOOL)getInboxItemsNearLocation:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)coordinates withSuccessBlock:(void (^)(NSArray *list))success failureBlock:(void (^)(NSError *error))failure;

 @abstract Gets the inbox items that are linked to locations near user.
 @attributeblock successBlock This block is called when getInbox is sucessful and returns an array with the avaiable WLInboxItem items.
 @attributeblock failureBlock This block is called when getInbox fails and returns an error object with failure code and description.
 @see //apple_ref/occ/cl/WLInboxItem WLInboxItem
 @return  Returns YES if the app is registered with Warply and thus the success or failure block will definitely be called and NO otherwise. In the latter case, the call is queued and will be called as soon as / if the app registers with Warply.
 @discussion This method gets the inbox with campaigns from Warply service. The
 method returns an array with WLInboxItem objects (campaigns). The caller will probably want to use the return parameter and a timer to update the UI or do any other operation after a certain amount of time that the app remains unregistered and thus, cannot make the call.
- (BOOL)getInboxItemsNearMeWithSuccessBlock:(void (^)(NSArray *list))success failureBlock:(void (^)(NSError *error))failure;

 @abstract Get the statistics for the inbox.
 @param success: A block that is executed when the call succeeds and has int parameters the count of the items in the inbox, the new items and the unread items;
 @param failure: A block with an NSError parameter that gets called when the call fails.
- (void)getInboxStatusWithSuccessBlock:(void (^)(int count, int newItems, int unread))success failureBlock:(void (^)(NSError *error))failure;

 @methodgroup Low Level API
 @discussion Convenience methods for either GET/POST context or send all events
 stored in local DB.
 @abstract Get context for the specified path.
 @param path A string with the path to access and get the value.
 @attributeblock successBlock This block is called when getContex is sucessful and returns an id.
 @attributeblock failureBlock This block is called when getInbox fails and returns an error object with failure code and description.
 @return  Returns YES if the app is registered with Warply and thus the success or failure block will definitely be called and NO otherwise. In the latter case, the call is queued and will be called as soon as / if the app registers with Warply.
 @discussion This method gets the context for the specified path. The success block has a parameter of type
 id as the type of the data returned value may differ in each case depending on the specified
 path. The caller will probably want to use the return parameter and a timer to update the UI or do any other operation after a certain amount of time that the app remains unregistered and thus, cannot make the call.
- (BOOL)getContextWithPath:(NSString *)path
              successBlock:(void (^)(id contextResponse))successBlock
              failureBlock:(void (^)(NSError *error))failureBlock;

 @abstract Post context to a specified path.
 @param context The data you want to send to the server under the "context" key.
 @attributeblock successBlock This block is called when sendContext is sucessful and returns an id.
 @attributeblock failureBlock This block is called when the call fails and returns an error object with failure code and description.
 @see //apple_ref/c/tdef/_WLResultCodes WLResultCodes
@return  Returns YES if the app is registered with Warply and thus the success or failure block will definitely be called and NO otherwise. In the latter case, the call is queued and will be called as soon as / if the app registers with Warply.
 @discussion This method post the context for the specified path. Make sure that
 the path, you are trying to access, has write and not only read permissions. If
 it has only read permsissions the post will fail with WLResultCodesReadOnly error
 code. The caller will probably want to use the return parameter and a timer to update the UI or do any other operation after a certain amount of time that the app remains unregistered and thus, cannot make the call.
- (BOOL)sendContext:(NSData*)context
       successBlock:(void (^)(NSDictionary *contextResponse))successBlock
       failureBlock:(void (^)(NSError *error))failureBlock;

 @abstract Send all localy stored events to Warply service.
 @discussion This method flags and sends all the locally stored events to Warply
 service. This happend independent if number of locally stored event threshold
 has be reached or not. The events are deleted from local DB only when the call is
 sucesful. Otherwise, the events remain stored until either the threshold of stored
 events is excited and they automatically send to Warply service or this method is
 called again.
 @attributeblock completionBlock This block is called when sendAllEvents is sucessful.
 @attributeblock failureBlock This block is called when sendAllEvents fails and returns an error object with failure code and description.
- (void)sendAllEventsWithCompletionBlock:(void (^)(void))successBlock failureBlock:(void (^)(void))failureBlock;

//TODO: needs revision
 @abstract Gets the context and updates properties relevant with feature (microapp) and application variables availability .
 @attributeblock completionBlock This block is called when the call to the server is completed successfully.
 @attributeblock failureBlock This block is called when the call to the server fails.
- (void)getAppSettingsWithSuccessBlock:(void (^)(void))success failureBlock:(void(^)(NSError *error))failure;

// TODO: add documentation
- (void)registerActionHandler:(id <WLActionHandler>)handler;
- (BOOL)handleActionUrl:(NSURL *)url;

-(BOOL)checkIfUserLoactionIsInPois:(CLLocation *) location;


// TODO: add documentation
@protocol WLActionHandler <NSObject>

- (BOOL)canHandleActionUrl:(NSURL *)url;
- (void)handleActionUrl:(NSURL *)url;
