
updated compiled framework

Showing 25 changed files with 0 additions and 670 deletions
1 -//
2 -// MyApi.h
3 -// warplyFramework
4 -//
5 -// Created by Βασιλης Σκουρας on 8/12/21.
6 -//
7 -
8 -#ifndef MyApi_h
9 -#define MyApi_h
10 -#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
11 -@class Coupons;
12 -
13 -@interface MyApi : NSObject
14 -
15 -+ (void)init:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions uuid:(NSString*)uuid merchantId:(NSString*)merchantId lang:(NSString*)lang;
16 -- (void) setToStage;
17 -- (void) setLang:(NSString*) lang;
18 -- (UIViewController *) openCoupons;
19 -- (void) applicationDidEnterBackground:(UIApplication *)application;
20 -- (void) applicationWillEnterForeground:(UIApplication *)application;
21 -- (void) applicationDidBecomeActive:(UIApplication *)application;
22 -- (void) applicationWillTerminate:(UIApplication *)application;
23 -- (void) application:(UIApplication *)application didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:(NSData *)deviceToken;
24 -- (void) application:(UIApplication *)application didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError:(NSError *)error;
25 -- (void) application:(UIApplication *)application didReceiveRemoteNotification:(NSDictionary *)userInfo;
26 -- (NSMutableArray *)getInbox;
27 -- (NSMutableArray *)getProducts:(NSString *) filter;
28 -- (NSMutableArray*)sendContact:(NSString*)name email:(NSString*)email msisdn:(NSString*)msisdn message:(NSString*)message;
29 -- (NSMutableArray *)getContentWithCategory:(NSString *)category tags:(NSArray *)tags;
30 -- (NSMutableArray *)getMerchantCategories;
31 -- (NSMutableArray *)getMerchants;
32 -- (NSMutableArray *)getTagsCategories;
33 -- (NSMutableArray *)getTags;
34 -- (NSDictionary *)login:(NSString *)id password:(NSString *)password loginType:(NSString*) loginType;
35 -- (NSDictionary *)logout;
36 -- (NSDictionary *)register:(NSString *)id password:(NSString *)password name:(NSString*)name email:(NSString*)email segmentation:(NSNumber*)segmentation newsletter:(NSNumber*)newsletter;
37 -- (NSDictionary *)registerAutoLogin:(NSString *)id password:(NSString *)password name:(NSString*)name email:(NSString*)email segmentation:(NSNumber*)segmentation newsletter:(NSNumber*)newsletter loginType:(NSString*)loginType;
38 -- (NSDictionary *)refreshToken;
39 -- (NSDictionary *)changePassword:(NSString *)oldPassword newPassword:(NSString *)newPassword;
40 -- (NSDictionary *)getProfile;
41 -- (NSDictionary *)editProfile:(NSString*)firstname andLastname:(NSString*)lastname andEmail:(NSString *)email andSalutation:(NSString *)salutation andMsisdn:(NSString *)msisdn andNickname:(NSString *)nickname andGender:(NSString *)gender andBirthday:(NSString *)birthday andNameDay:(NSString *)nameday andTaxID:(NSString *)taxid andProfileMetadata:(NSDictionary *)profileMetadata optin:(NSNumber *)optin newsLetter:(NSNumber *)newsletter andSMS:(NSNumber *)sms andSegmentation:(NSNumber *)segmentation andSMSSegmentation:(NSNumber *)smsSegmentation;
42 -- (NSDictionary *)changeProfileImage:(NSString*)image andUserId:(NSString*)userId;
43 -- (NSDictionary*) addCard:(NSString*)number andCardIssuer:(NSString*)cardIssuer andCardHolder:(NSString*)cardHolder andExpirationMonth:(NSString*)expirationMonth andExpirationYear:(NSString*)expirationYear;
44 -- (NSDictionary*) getCards;
45 -- (NSDictionary*) deleteCard:(NSString*)token;
46 -- (NSDictionary*) verifyTicket:(NSString*)guid ticket:(NSString*)ticket;
47 -- (NSDictionary*) getCoupons;
48 -- (NSDictionary*) getTransactionHistory;
49 -- (NSDictionary*) getPointsHistory;
50 -- (NSDictionary*)addAddress:(NSString*)friendlyName andAddressName:(NSString*)addressName andAddressNumber:(NSString*)addressNumber andPostalCode:(NSString*)postalCode andFloorNumber:(NSNumber*)floorNumber andDoorbell:(NSString*)doorbel andRegion:(NSString*)region andLatitude:(NSString*)latitude andLongitude:(NSString*)longitude andNotes:(NSString*)notes;
51 -- (NSDictionary*)getAddress;
52 -- (NSDictionary*)editAddress:(NSString*)friendlyName andAddressName:(NSString*)addressName andAddressNumber:(NSString*)addressNumber andPostalCode:(NSString*)postalCode andFloorNumber:(NSNumber*)floorNumber andDoorbell:(NSString*)doorbel andRegion:(NSString*)region andLatitude:(NSString*)latitude andLongitude:(NSString*)longitude andNotes:(NSString*)notes andUuid:(NSString*)uuid;
53 -- (NSDictionary*)deleteAddress:(NSString*)uuid;
54 -- (NSDictionary*)redeemCoupon:(NSString*)id andUuid:(NSString*)uuid;
55 -- (NSDictionary*)forgotPasswordWithId:(NSString*)id andConfCode:(NSString*)confCode andOtpUuid:(NSString*)otpUuid;
56 -- (NSDictionary*)resetPasswordWithPassword:(NSString*)password andConfCode:(NSString*)confCode andOtpUuid:(NSString*)otpUuid andConfToken:(NSString*)confToken;
57 -- (NSDictionary*)requestOtpWithMsisdn:(NSString*)msisdn andScope:(NSString*)scope;
58 -- (NSDictionary*)retrieveMultilingualMerchantsWithCategories:(NSArray*)categories andDefaultShown:(NSNumber*)defaultShown andCenter:(NSNumber*)center andTags:(NSArray*)tags andUuid:(NSString*)uuid andDistance:(NSNumber*)distance;
59 -- (NSDictionary*)getCouponSetsWithActive:(NSNumber*)active andVisible:(NSNumber*)visible andUuids:(NSArray*)uuids;
60 -- (NSDictionary*)redeemCouponWithCoupon:(NSString*)coupon;
61 -- (NSDictionary*)validateCouponWithCoupon:(NSString*)coupon;
62 -
63 -@end
64 -#endif /* MyApi_h */
1 -// Generated by Apple Swift version 5.5.2 (swiftlang-1300.0.47.5 clang-1300.0.29.30)
4 -#pragma clang diagnostic push
5 -#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wgcc-compat"
6 -
7 -#if !defined(__has_include)
8 -# define __has_include(x) 0
9 -#endif
10 -#if !defined(__has_attribute)
11 -# define __has_attribute(x) 0
12 -#endif
13 -#if !defined(__has_feature)
14 -# define __has_feature(x) 0
15 -#endif
16 -#if !defined(__has_warning)
17 -# define __has_warning(x) 0
18 -#endif
19 -
20 -#if __has_include(<swift/objc-prologue.h>)
21 -# include <swift/objc-prologue.h>
22 -#endif
23 -
24 -#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wauto-import"
25 -#include <Foundation/Foundation.h>
26 -#include <stdint.h>
27 -#include <stddef.h>
28 -#include <stdbool.h>
29 -
30 -#if !defined(SWIFT_TYPEDEFS)
31 -# define SWIFT_TYPEDEFS 1
32 -# if __has_include(<uchar.h>)
33 -# include <uchar.h>
34 -# elif !defined(__cplusplus)
35 -typedef uint_least16_t char16_t;
36 -typedef uint_least32_t char32_t;
37 -# endif
38 -typedef float swift_float2 __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(2)));
39 -typedef float swift_float3 __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(3)));
40 -typedef float swift_float4 __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(4)));
41 -typedef double swift_double2 __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(2)));
42 -typedef double swift_double3 __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(3)));
43 -typedef double swift_double4 __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(4)));
44 -typedef int swift_int2 __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(2)));
45 -typedef int swift_int3 __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(3)));
46 -typedef int swift_int4 __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(4)));
47 -typedef unsigned int swift_uint2 __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(2)));
48 -typedef unsigned int swift_uint3 __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(3)));
49 -typedef unsigned int swift_uint4 __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(4)));
50 -#endif
51 -
52 -#if !defined(SWIFT_PASTE)
53 -# define SWIFT_PASTE_HELPER(x, y) x##y
54 -# define SWIFT_PASTE(x, y) SWIFT_PASTE_HELPER(x, y)
55 -#endif
56 -#if !defined(SWIFT_METATYPE)
57 -# define SWIFT_METATYPE(X) Class
58 -#endif
59 -#if !defined(SWIFT_CLASS_PROPERTY)
60 -# if __has_feature(objc_class_property)
61 -# define SWIFT_CLASS_PROPERTY(...) __VA_ARGS__
62 -# else
63 -# define SWIFT_CLASS_PROPERTY(...)
64 -# endif
65 -#endif
66 -
67 -#if __has_attribute(objc_runtime_name)
68 -# define SWIFT_RUNTIME_NAME(X) __attribute__((objc_runtime_name(X)))
69 -#else
70 -# define SWIFT_RUNTIME_NAME(X)
71 -#endif
72 -#if __has_attribute(swift_name)
73 -# define SWIFT_COMPILE_NAME(X) __attribute__((swift_name(X)))
74 -#else
75 -# define SWIFT_COMPILE_NAME(X)
76 -#endif
77 -#if __has_attribute(objc_method_family)
78 -# define SWIFT_METHOD_FAMILY(X) __attribute__((objc_method_family(X)))
79 -#else
81 -#endif
82 -#if __has_attribute(noescape)
83 -# define SWIFT_NOESCAPE __attribute__((noescape))
84 -#else
85 -# define SWIFT_NOESCAPE
86 -#endif
87 -#if __has_attribute(ns_consumed)
88 -# define SWIFT_RELEASES_ARGUMENT __attribute__((ns_consumed))
89 -#else
91 -#endif
92 -#if __has_attribute(warn_unused_result)
93 -# define SWIFT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT __attribute__((warn_unused_result))
94 -#else
96 -#endif
97 -#if __has_attribute(noreturn)
98 -# define SWIFT_NORETURN __attribute__((noreturn))
99 -#else
100 -# define SWIFT_NORETURN
101 -#endif
102 -#if !defined(SWIFT_CLASS_EXTRA)
103 -# define SWIFT_CLASS_EXTRA
104 -#endif
105 -#if !defined(SWIFT_PROTOCOL_EXTRA)
107 -#endif
108 -#if !defined(SWIFT_ENUM_EXTRA)
109 -# define SWIFT_ENUM_EXTRA
110 -#endif
111 -#if !defined(SWIFT_CLASS)
112 -# if __has_attribute(objc_subclassing_restricted)
113 -# define SWIFT_CLASS(SWIFT_NAME) SWIFT_RUNTIME_NAME(SWIFT_NAME) __attribute__((objc_subclassing_restricted)) SWIFT_CLASS_EXTRA
114 -# define SWIFT_CLASS_NAMED(SWIFT_NAME) __attribute__((objc_subclassing_restricted)) SWIFT_COMPILE_NAME(SWIFT_NAME) SWIFT_CLASS_EXTRA
115 -# else
118 -# endif
119 -#endif
120 -#if !defined(SWIFT_RESILIENT_CLASS)
121 -# if __has_attribute(objc_class_stub)
122 -# define SWIFT_RESILIENT_CLASS(SWIFT_NAME) SWIFT_CLASS(SWIFT_NAME) __attribute__((objc_class_stub))
123 -# define SWIFT_RESILIENT_CLASS_NAMED(SWIFT_NAME) __attribute__((objc_class_stub)) SWIFT_CLASS_NAMED(SWIFT_NAME)
124 -# else
127 -# endif
128 -#endif
129 -
130 -#if !defined(SWIFT_PROTOCOL)
133 -#endif
134 -
135 -#if !defined(SWIFT_EXTENSION)
136 -# define SWIFT_EXTENSION(M) SWIFT_PASTE(M##_Swift_, __LINE__)
137 -#endif
138 -
140 -# if __has_attribute(objc_designated_initializer)
141 -# define OBJC_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER __attribute__((objc_designated_initializer))
142 -# else
144 -# endif
145 -#endif
146 -#if !defined(SWIFT_ENUM_ATTR)
147 -# if defined(__has_attribute) && __has_attribute(enum_extensibility)
148 -# define SWIFT_ENUM_ATTR(_extensibility) __attribute__((enum_extensibility(_extensibility)))
149 -# else
150 -# define SWIFT_ENUM_ATTR(_extensibility)
151 -# endif
152 -#endif
153 -#if !defined(SWIFT_ENUM)
154 -# define SWIFT_ENUM(_type, _name, _extensibility) enum _name : _type _name; enum SWIFT_ENUM_ATTR(_extensibility) SWIFT_ENUM_EXTRA _name : _type
155 -# if __has_feature(generalized_swift_name)
156 -# define SWIFT_ENUM_NAMED(_type, _name, SWIFT_NAME, _extensibility) enum _name : _type _name SWIFT_COMPILE_NAME(SWIFT_NAME); enum SWIFT_COMPILE_NAME(SWIFT_NAME) SWIFT_ENUM_ATTR(_extensibility) SWIFT_ENUM_EXTRA _name : _type
157 -# else
158 -# define SWIFT_ENUM_NAMED(_type, _name, SWIFT_NAME, _extensibility) SWIFT_ENUM(_type, _name, _extensibility)
159 -# endif
160 -#endif
161 -#if !defined(SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE)
162 -# define SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE __attribute__((unavailable))
163 -#endif
164 -#if !defined(SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE_MSG)
165 -# define SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE_MSG(msg) __attribute__((unavailable(msg)))
166 -#endif
167 -#if !defined(SWIFT_AVAILABILITY)
168 -# define SWIFT_AVAILABILITY(plat, ...) __attribute__((availability(plat, __VA_ARGS__)))
169 -#endif
170 -#if !defined(SWIFT_WEAK_IMPORT)
171 -# define SWIFT_WEAK_IMPORT __attribute__((weak_import))
172 -#endif
173 -#if !defined(SWIFT_DEPRECATED)
174 -# define SWIFT_DEPRECATED __attribute__((deprecated))
175 -#endif
176 -#if !defined(SWIFT_DEPRECATED_MSG)
177 -# define SWIFT_DEPRECATED_MSG(...) __attribute__((deprecated(__VA_ARGS__)))
178 -#endif
179 -#if __has_feature(attribute_diagnose_if_objc)
180 -# define SWIFT_DEPRECATED_OBJC(Msg) __attribute__((diagnose_if(1, Msg, "warning")))
181 -#else
183 -#endif
184 -#if !defined(IBSegueAction)
185 -# define IBSegueAction
186 -#endif
187 -#if __has_feature(modules)
188 -#if __has_warning("-Watimport-in-framework-header")
189 -#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Watimport-in-framework-header"
190 -#endif
191 -@import ObjectiveC;
192 -@import UIKit;
193 -#endif
194 -
195 -#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wproperty-attribute-mismatch"
196 -#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wduplicate-method-arg"
197 -#if __has_warning("-Wpragma-clang-attribute")
198 -# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wpragma-clang-attribute"
199 -#endif
200 -#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunknown-pragmas"
201 -#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wnullability"
202 -
203 -#if __has_attribute(external_source_symbol)
204 -# pragma push_macro("any")
205 -# undef any
206 -# pragma clang attribute push(__attribute__((external_source_symbol(language="Swift", defined_in="WarplySDKFrameworkIOS",generated_declaration))), apply_to=any(function,enum,objc_interface,objc_category,objc_protocol))
207 -# pragma pop_macro("any")
208 -#endif
209 -
210 -@class NSString;
211 -@class NSBundle;
212 -@class NSCoder;
213 -
214 -SWIFT_CLASS("_TtC21WarplySDKFrameworkIOS7Coupons")
215 -@interface Coupons : UIViewController
216 -- (void)viewDidLoad;
217 -- (nonnull instancetype)initWithNibName:(NSString * _Nullable)nibNameOrNil bundle:(NSBundle * _Nullable)nibBundleOrNil OBJC_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;
218 -- (nullable instancetype)initWithCoder:(NSCoder * _Nonnull)coder OBJC_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;
219 -@end
220 -
221 -
222 -SWIFT_CLASS("_TtC21WarplySDKFrameworkIOS20CouponsViewInterface") SWIFT_AVAILABILITY(ios,introduced=13.0.0)
223 -@interface CouponsViewInterface : NSObject
224 -+ (UIViewController * _Nonnull)couponsViewController SWIFT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
225 -- (nonnull instancetype)init OBJC_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;
226 -@end
227 -
228 -
229 -#if __has_attribute(external_source_symbol)
230 -# pragma clang attribute pop
231 -#endif
232 -#pragma clang diagnostic pop
233 -#endif
1 -//
2 -// WarplySDKFrameworkIOS.h
3 -// WarplySDKFrameworkIOS
4 -//
5 -// Created by Βασιλης Σκουρας on 1/2/22.
6 -//
7 -
8 -#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
9 -#import "MyApi.h"
10 -//! Project version number for WarplySDKFrameworkIOS.
11 -FOUNDATION_EXPORT double WarplySDKFrameworkIOSVersionNumber;
12 -
13 -//! Project version string for WarplySDKFrameworkIOS.
14 -FOUNDATION_EXPORT const unsigned char WarplySDKFrameworkIOSVersionString[];
15 -
16 -// In this header, you should import all the public headers of your framework using statements like #import <WarplySDKFrameworkIOS/PublicHeader.h>
17 -
18 -
1 -framework module WarplySDKFrameworkIOS {
2 - umbrella header "WarplySDKFrameworkIOS.h"
3 -
4 - export *
5 - module * { export * }
6 -}
7 -
8 -module WarplySDKFrameworkIOS.Swift {
9 - header "WarplySDKFrameworkIOS-Swift.h"
10 - requires objc
11 -}
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