// Create variables with empty default values

// keyId is the last 8 characters of the GPG key
ext["signing.keyId"] = ''
// password is the passphrase of the GPG key
ext["signing.password"] = ''
// key is the base64 private GPG key
ext["signing.key"] = ''
// osshrUsername and ossrhPassword are the account details for MavenCentral
// which we’ve chosen at the Jira registration step (Sonatype site))
ext["ossrhUsername"] = ''
ext["ossrhPassword"] = ''
ext["sonatypeStagingProfileId"] = ''

File secretPropsFile = project.rootProject.file('local.properties')
if (secretPropsFile.exists()) {
    // Read local.properties file first if it exists
    Properties p = new Properties()
    new FileInputStream(secretPropsFile).withCloseable { is -> p.load(is) }
    p.each { name, value -> ext[name] = value }
} else {
    // Use system environment variables
    ext["ossrhUsername"] = System.getenv('OSSRH_USERNAME')
    ext["ossrhPassword"] = System.getenv('OSSRH_PASSWORD')
    ext["sonatypeStagingProfileId"] = System.getenv('SONATYPE_STAGING_PROFILE_ID')
    ext["signing.keyId"] = System.getenv('SIGNING_KEY_ID')
    ext["signing.password"] = System.getenv('SIGNING_PASSWORD')
    ext["signing.key"] = System.getenv('SIGNING_KEY')

// Set up Sonatype repository
nexusPublishing {
    repositories {
        sonatype {
            stagingProfileId = sonatypeStagingProfileId
            username = ossrhUsername
            password = ossrhPassword